Follow Tuf-Foot
  • "I first started using it (TUF-FOOT) on our dog. As I applied it on his pads I realized that my hands did also toughen up. I row a boat for 10-12 hours a day and have for 11 years. This is the first season that my hands have not cracked!"

    - Robb, Flaming Gorge Lodge, Dutch John, UT
  • "I have just started using a bottle that a friend given me for about four days and already can see the product working. I am currently in the Army National Guard and train with an Infantry unit, so we carry all of our gear and having properly conditioned feet is a must! I only wish that I knew about it years ago."

    - James, Army National Guard, Olean NY


We are temporarily out of stock and working diligently to replenish.
Please check back with us in April to place your order.

Hand and foot care, toughen your skin and prevent blisters!

There are many situations in a person's life when having tough skin can mean the difference between living with pain and living pain-free. TUF-FOOT is used regularly by athletes including distance runners, Cross Fitters and others.

Amputees use Tuf-Foot to relieve chafing and discomfort caused by prosthetic devices and it is also used by members of the armed forces to prevent foot blisters. No matter what your skin toughening need, TUF-FOOT is a product you can count on to get the job done.

$24.95 each (shipping included) Tuf-Foot 7oz Temporarily Out of Stock

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